Book Review: The Grimm Legacy by Polly Shulman

Elizabeth has a important project that requires help from the New York Circulating Material Repository. The repository has collections of obscure stuff, stuff from history, common items, and so much more. She meets a friendly staff member her age, who tells her all about the repository. Elizabeth wants to get a job there sorting materials. When she takes a odd test for the job, she finds a list of answers. When she ignores the list, she gets hired for the job because the staff knows she’s trustworthy. The head of the repository explains that they don’t just regular stuff. They have science stuff from books in the Wells Bequest, stuff from fairy tales in the Grimm Collection, software stuff in the Gibson Chrestomathy, and horror stuff in the Lovecraft Corpus. The biggest thing is that people are stealing things from these Special Collections. Her new friends and her must try and stop this plot and get immersed in a world of magic. I think this book is great for people who love fairy tales, dream about meeting fairy tale characters, and for families reading with their children. You should read this book because it brings in your knowledge of fairy tales and turns that into a book about these classic stories you probably have heard of before.

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